Opening of Nugee building
The President of Eastbourne College, The Duke of Devonshire and the Duchess of Devonshire and Miss Patricia Nugee were guests of honour at the opening of the Nugee Building on 26 April.
The Duke and Duchess accompanied by Miss Nugee, visited the Birley Centre to listen to a musical performance by pupils, and discussed GCSE and A level art projects with pupils before being shown round the Nugee Building by Heads of School, Katya Goodwin and Walter Huchu.
Eighty guests, many of whom are College benefactors, were welcomed to the official opening and thanked for their support by the Headmaster Tom Lawson. Patricia Nugee, daughter of John Nugee, Headmaster 1938-56 after whom the building is named, unveiled the plaque in the Warren Atrium.
The Duke of Devonshire congratulated the College on its vision in providing outstanding facilities and referred to Eastbourne College as the jewel in Sussex’s educational crown.