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D of E summer expeditions

During the summer holidays, the Eastbourne College Duke of Edinburgh team took 54 pupils on expeditions in Wales.  Twenty-three pupils were working towards their silver awards and 31 towards their gold awards.

The silver pupils were on assessment and undertook a self-supported walking expedition over three days and two nights. They covered a distance of over 35 miles and all passed the assessment.

The gold pupils tackled their practice expedition and walked over the Black Mountains covering a distance of over 50 miles.  This was also self supported however closer supervision was employed, along with continued reflection and learning taking place.  All of the gold pupils passed their practice and are now ready for their full assessment in October.

Dan Tebay, DofE Manager for the College, Seven Summiter and Everest mountaineer, reported that everyone had worked exceptionally together well to achieve their expedition goals. He also thanked the team of staff who worked with him to make the trip so successful.