Athletics has a strong tradition. The College’s teams are involved in a full set of home and away fixtures, including a new diamond league format, as well as the Sussex AAA county schools championships.
The pupils train on College facilities, as well as at the tartan running track at Eastbourne Sports Park during games sessions. There is a strong link with Sussex Athletics and local clubs if pupils wish to carry on their training and compete outside of the College programme. There is also an annual athletics day with boys and girls competing individually and for their houses.
Recent Successes
- Noah Canby was crowned national champion at the British Youth Triathlon Championships. He also won the overall sprint triathlon in the under 40 category of the 2019 Eastbourne Triathlon. (2019)
- George Pool won the U17 county championship and ran the fastest leg in the U17 South of England road relays. (2019)
- Spike Gleave finished seventh (from 45) at English Schools Combined Events (2017) ; Decathlon title (2017) ; Gold medal with Sussex team at junior boys regional pentathlon (second individually from 20) (2017) ; Sussex multi-event champion (2017)