Joining the College
The first stage of the admissions process for Year 9 is registration which can take place for a pupil of any age. Where possible, we recommend parents register their children in Years 5 or 6, and contact the College for a personal visit, to take advantage of our early offer process.
how to join us Online Registration FormAdmissions policy
Pupils in Years 6, 7 AND 8 for entry into Year 9
We have introduced early applications for Eastbourne College, where you register your child by December of Year 6, for a place in Year 9. Not only will you have peace of mind that your spot is secured, but it will also give you plenty of time to get everything arranged. Plus, your child will get priority for their choice of house.
Offers for a place in Year 9 will be made to pupils in Year 6-8 on receipt of a satisfactory reference from their Headteacher, including data showing academic ability, as well as a meeting between the College and the prospective pupil.
Results from Common Entrance, baccalaureates, bridge curriculum (exclusive to St Andrew’s Prep, Eastbourne) diplomas or equivalent, will be required in Year 8 and will be used to aid setting in core Year 9 subjects.
For prospective pupils who attend a school where Common Entrance, Prep School Baccalaureate, or a home-grown equivalent is not available, the College will determine suitable academic ability tests to be sat in Year 8. The tests will likely include English, Maths, Science, and a Foreign Language paper.
Should a family enquire or register after the early offer process, excluding the timings, the same admissions process applies.
Confirming acceptance
A completed Guaranteed Place Form is sent to parents for completion once an offer has been made, and a deposit is required on acceptance of a place. Completion of the Guaranteed Place Form and payment of the relevant deposit confirms the pupil’s place at the College, subject to achieving expected performance in entrance exams or tests. The deposit is used against any final extras incurred during the last term at the College. The balance of any deposit is credited to the final account when the pupil leaves the College.
Entrance assessment
To finalise entrance requirements, applicants for entry in Year 9 in September who have been appropriately prepared and who have registered with Eastbourne College will sit either the ISEB Common Academic Scholarship Examination (May), Common Entrance Examination (June) or an equivalent set of examinations.
Applications for pupils with mild to moderate learning support requirements are considered. Further information may be requested to ensure that the College can meet their needs.
Read our GCSE options booklet here Year 9 scholarship and bursary information booklet

“These 'early offer' assessments help to determine whether the applicant would thrive at the College.”