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Andrew's Prep

Textile Design

Learning practical skills, mastering materials and developing aesthetic understanding

Art and design textiles is a dynamic and exciting course that appeals to pupils who are interested in costume,  fashion and interiors. It is a thriving department with excellent facilities including two classrooms with a suite of sewing machines, sublimation printer and access to a laser cutter.

Department Overview

Pupils can opt to study textiles in Year 9 where they are introduced to the sewing machine, working with colour, and manipulating fabric skills. GCSE textiles runs over two years and A-level textiles pupils will usually have studied the subject at GCSE.

Pupils studying for A-level textiles will have a strong creative vision and skills in design as well as an interest in fashion, costume or interior design. This course is highly creative and pupils are able to experiment with a range of media. Skills gained include garment construction, embroidery, print and fabric manipulation.

In the Lower Sixth, pupils are able to experiment through a wide variety of experiences, exploring all elements of textiles: colour, contrast, harmony, pattern, repetition, shape and  texture, using a range of media, techniques and processes. In Year 13 pupils create their own briefs and specialise in a particular area or medium.

Pupils wishing to apply to art or fashion foundation courses are fully supported in developing their portfolios.

Beyond the Classroom

The Textiles Department runs a co-curricular programme to give access to facilities and staff expertise throughout the week. Pupils are encouraged to work in the department independently during any of their study periods and during other department opening times. In addition, textiles activities are offered as part of the College co-curricular programme with an opportunity to complete a Bronze Arts Award.

While in the sixth form, pupils identified as G&T or scholars are able to use their skills towards a Gold Arts Award or Practical Extended Project Qualification, extending their achievements in fashion, costume and textiles. 

As part of the textiles programme, a strong collaboration has developed between the Textiles Department at Eastbourne College and the Hetzendorf Fashion Institute in Vienna, Austria, including a biennial exchange for GCSE and A-level pupils.

We encourage pupils to take part in national competitions, for example Wool4school and the Royal Ballet and Opera House Costume Design Challenge and Young Fashion Designer UK.

Pupils develop artistic skills to a very high level and their artistic work and aesthetic reflection are of a very high standard and highly valued by the school.

-ISI Inspection, November 2024

Recent examples of GCSE and A-level pieces. Click on the images to view them full size and high resolution.