Modern Foreign Languages
In a world where cultures define themselves through language, businesses are increasingly multinational and barriers to international trade continue to be lifted, the ability to communicate in other languages has never been more important. Learning another language opens minds to new ideas and new ways of looking at the world.
The Modern Foreign Languages department aims to encourage a love of language learning and give pupils the wherewithal and confidence to become articulate linguists, well acquainted with the countries whose languages they study.
Department Overview
The department is made up of an international team of highly qualified, enthusiastic and innovative members of staff who use the latest interactive and audio-visual. Our digital language laboratory allows for the extensive use of ICT facilities, audio and visual material, and digital video recording in the language learning process. Our foreign language assistants offer senior pupils the opportunity to hone their conversation skills with native speakers.
French, German and Spanish are taught throughout the school to A-level. We are extremely proud of our pupils’ strong results.
Our flexible courses cater for pupils of all abilities, with Year 9 top set linguists studying French, German and Spanish within the normal curriculum time. German and Spanish are taught as beginner languages while self-study courses are available and encouraged in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Pupils may also take individual lessons, at beginner or advanced level, with the department’s specialist tutors in Chinese, Japanese, Italian and Russian.
“For every language that becomes extinct, an image of man disappears.”
Beyond the Classroom
The department has a wide extra-curricular programme which aims to highlight the importance of languages in the real world. Throughout the year, our series of traditional Deutsche Abende, French soirées and Spanish fiestas offer senior pupils a taste of the culture linked to these languages through movies, quizzes, lectures and, of course, the delicious cuisine from each country.
A wide range of overseas trips add greatly to the experience which modern linguists enjoy at the College. These include a sixth form French exchange visit to Nîmes, as well as visits to Munich and the Berlin Christmas markets, for pupils who study German.
There is also a Year 10 French exchange to south-west France and opportunities for GCSE and sixth form pupils to visit Spain on study visits.