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Andrew's Prep

Arts Award

The College delivers the Arts Award programme to give pupils the opportunity to take an exciting creative qualification.

The programme supports young people in all areas of creative arts and offers an inspiring arts journey. Each path can take a different direction: from fashion to film-making, from dance to design, from photography to poetry. Whichever route they choose to follow, pupils are supported to develop their own ideas and to see them through with the help of an adviser and creative mentors and organisations.

Pupils need to plan their work with an adviser, and keep a record by creating their own Arts Award portfolio. They can pick their own style of portfolio which could be a diary, video, website blog, or something altogether different.

Gold has two units: unit one is personal arts development, and unit two is arts projects leadership.

Colleges, employers and universities know that the Arts Award is a qualification that shows a level of commitment and progress in the arts, and in developing new skills.

Gold Arts Award is the highest recognition of pupils’ abilities as a creative arts leader. At gold level, they work as an arts practitioner while broadening their horizons within the arts world. Working at this level will extend communication, creativity, leadership planning and teamwork skills, and will support progression through any education, training or career pathway.

The Arts Award programme benefits from a wide network of supportive partnerships as well as taking advantage of the creative skills both within the College community and the wider College family.

It is offered through the fourth strand of our bespoke sixth-form programme.

To find out more about the programme, visit the Arts Award website.