About the House
Craig House, one of three boys day houses, was opened in 1969 and is home for over 60 boys. Located on Carlisle Road, it has recently completed an extensive refurbishment. The common room houses recreational facilities including table-tennis and pool tables and the backyard provides a space where the finest of yard cricket skills are honed. Kitchens for each year group allow the boys to make hot drinks and snacks.
House events: These include an annual family cricket match
Adam Kuchta studied Medical Engineering and Physics at Queen Mary, University of London. Throughout his teaching career, he has taught physics while coaching a wide range of sports including hockey and tennis. Away from College life, he enjoys spending time with his wife Laura and their children, Isla, Harrison, Freddie & Bluebell.
Housemaster’s welcome
Craig House has a warm, friendly atmosphere with social integration between year groups being a key feature. We are proud to have our own flag, which is flown to mark birthdays and notable achievements.
We delight in the strong academic results Craig boys consistently achieve and in the number who regularly gain places at leading universities. Over half the boys currently in the house hold an award as an academic, art, drama, DT, music or sport scholar, and over the years, Craig has won numerous trophies for sport and cultural events.
In addition to parents meetings during the year at the College, Craig families share social gatherings such as the annual house revue known as ‘CHAPS’ and the Craig House family cricket and barbeque in the summer term. We are always pleased to see old boys of the house who drop in to catch up on news and share their own stories of life after the College.
I very much look forward to welcoming you to Craig and to showing you around our house.