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Forthcoming Events

eastbourne symphony orchestra presents: eso young soloist competition

Location: Birley Centre

Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 January
First round 
From 12.00pm

Sunday 16 February 2025

Established in 1988 as a result of the 11th Duke of Devonshire’s generosity, this competition gives the winner the opportunity of performing a concerto with the ESO. Below are past winners of the competition. 

* In the first round, competitors present a 15-minute performance of a contrasting programme of their own choice
* In the final, competitors present a 20-minute performance of two contrasting concerto movements

An audience is welcome at both rounds
No advanced booking; come and go as you wish between competitors
Cost: £15 entry on the door

* A timetable when finalised will be posted on in the week leading up to the first round.