Year 9 Drama Festival 2016
This year’s Year 9 House Drama Festival saw every pupil in the year group walk the stage in a short version of a West End hit. The winning performances were selected by professional actor Philip Duigud McQuillan and awards were presented by the Headmaster at parents’ evening.
The Best Day performance was Craig House with a remarkably dramatic, authentic and committed performance of The Curious Incident of the Dog that Died in the Night-time, adapted by Euan McGreevy with an extraordinary central performance form Benjamin Scanlon, who won the ‘Outstanding Performance’ prize.
Best Boarding House went to Nugent for their Wizard of Oz’ which also won the Champagne Moment for a dance interpretation of a cyclone!
Best Director went to Hamish Green for refereeing the exuberant Pennell performance of Les Miserables.